Saturday, September 26, 2009

I'm not so clever

For most of my life I've been confronted with the obdurate dogma of Creationism, which pretends that the earth was created intact in a week some 6,000-10,000, ignoring an earthful (and beyond) of evidence to the contrary. Whatever evidence we have that the earth "appears" older is as God created it, they say. (Oh, that God is one tricky-dicky Dude!)

I created the perfect response, which highlights the absurdity of this position:
"You are mistaken. God created the world from nothing indeed, not 6,000 years ago, but just 5 seconds ago, including you, complete with all your memories of childhood, indeed, your memory of beginning to read (or hear) this very sentence."

(I posted this as a comment on YouTube not long ago, and received a terse reply, "That is one mindf***." It looks as though sarcasm is lost on a certain segment of the population. Oh well!)

I created this little saying several decades ago, and had never heard it elsewhere before or since. I thought I was very clever. Then recently while starting Dawkins' The Greatest Show on Earth, I encountered this quote from Bertrand Russell, "We may all have come into existence five minutes ago, provided with ready-made memories, with holes in our socks and hair that needed cutting." I was shocked, even upset. There was my idea in black and white, stolen by a respected logician who passed away when I was a toddler. Alas, my bubble had burst. Perhaps I'm not so clever as I thought.

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